A Word From Our Founder
As president of Kingdom Life University, I am grateful to have a part in preparing you for your life's purpose and calling.
My passion, as well as all our 25 professors, is to prepare you for life and ministry with a spirit of excellence.
I believe every student of KLU is appointed by God to be equipped for kingdom purposes. I desire to help raise
up a "New Generation that is KINGDOM MINDED". So you will know who you are and who Christ is in you.
I believe you will catch the spirit of KLU as you join others in a family of purpose and destiny. We have provided
a venue of education excellence that's online so you can earn your degree at your pace, fully accessible on your phone, tablet, or computer. If you want to totally benefit from your studies, we offer Associate all way through Doctorate degrees. You can register below. Just click on "Application". Come aboard and discover your kingdom destiny.
Quote ~"I believe the message of the kingdom of God prepares you to learn how to reign in life.
Kingdom Life University is helping revive and restore the kingdom message."
Dr. Jerry Brandt
Contact: Admin@kluonline.com